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2021 Workshops

November 1-2, 2021
Workshop by Sara Linda Poly 
2020 Juror & 2021 Judge for EnPleinAirTEXAS


 Workshop by Sara Linda Poly
2020 Juror for EnPleinAirTEXAS

Painting Skies, Clouds and Dramatic Light in the Landscape
2 Day Studio Workshop
November 1-2, 2021 · 9 am - 4 pm
Studio Rio, 423 S. Oakes, San Angelo Texas

This studio workshop will cover choosing a good subject from photos and how to best use them, creating a strong composition and design, use of value and color and new ideas for paint application. You will need lots of good photos to choose from of whatever you would like to work on. We will focus on skies, clouds, sunsets, night scenes and any other scenes with interesting lighting conditions. Demonstrations and group critiques and one-on-one time included.

Any level or medium is ok, but you should have had good experience with and understand the media you will use. Handouts and Supply List will be sent out well in advance. Painting below: Jewels of Evening, Oil 20x20, Sara Linda Poly

This is an indoor workshop: tables and chairs are supplied but you may bring your easel & stool setup if you like. Please let us know when you make your reservation so we can plan for space correctly
Feel free to contact Sara directly (sara@saralindapoly.com) if you have questions about materials or class work!

2-day Workshop Cost: $300
$150 Registration reserves your spot
Only 14 spots available.

Make check to SAMFA and mail to 1 Love Street, San Angelo, TX 76903, with “Poly Workshop” on check.

Deposit non-refundable after September 1 unless someone takes your spot.

Final payment due October 25, 2021. Call Jan at SAMFA to pay by credit card: 325-653-3333