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Saturday for Artists

Saturday, Oct 29  

First Financial Bank 'Quick Draw on the Conchos' Paint-Out

Art in the Afternoon

Demos & Competition Paintings Exhibit & Sale! 

See complete details on website at the Quick Draw/Saturday Events tab.


We encourage you to participate in the Quick Draw competition as we expect big crowds on Saturday! Competition artists who received one of the top 4 awards on Friday Night are not eligible for Quick Draw awards on Saturday.  Please contact us to sign up for this special opportunity for children.


11:00 - 12:30pm ~ Lunch will be provided for the artists by First Financial Bank at the San Angelo Museum of Fine Arts.

1:30 - 4:00pm ~ After lunch Competition Artists should proceed to the Fort Concho Exhibit area for painting demos, 

2:30 - 4:00pm ~ Art in the Afternoon event for children, 

6:00 - 6:45pm ~ Wine & Special presentation by 2015 Grand Prize Winner Shelby Keefe "Beats & Brushwork" in the Quartermaster Building at Fort Concho.

6:45 - 9:00pm ~ Texas Hereford Beef Dinner sponsored by Jimmy Powell in the Commissary Building. 


Be ready to visit with our Sponsors as this proves to be a huge evening to sell more of your paintings!