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Local Artists



San Angelo area artists are invited to participate in 2014 EnPleinAirTEXAS.  Artists living in Tom Green County as well as the surrounding counties of Coke, Concho, Irion, Menard, Runnels, Schleicher, and Sterling, will be considered in the 'Local Competition Artist' category.

Artists could 'Apply Online' on this website through midnight, May 15, 2014.   Local applicants who are not selected as one of the 25 Competition Artists go through a second selection process.

3 local artists are selected from this second group by the juror and will paint and compete as Competition Artists for $13,000 in prize money.

2014 EnPleinAirTEXAS Juror is Gay Faulkenberry, Past President and Signature Member of Plein Air Painters of America.

ALL artists, regardless of whether they are selected as a Competition Artist or not, are eligible to compete in the 2 hour QUICK DRAW Competition, held on Saturday, November 1, 2014.  Find out more under 'Quick Draw' Paint-Out section of the website.  Register online in July for a $10 fee to compete for $2450 in Cash Prizes.

The selected 2014 EnPleinAirTEXAS Local Competition Artists
will be announced on this website on May 29, 2014.