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Kirk Larsen

Kirk Larsen 2x3 300 2017
  • 136 awards including Grand Prize & Collector’s Choice at Easels In Frederick 2012, Artists Choice Finger Lakes Plein Air 2014 and 7 Quick Draw awards (3 Wins)
  • OPA Signature member, featured in two National Exhibitions, two Regionals and two Salons with 3 Plein Air awards (1st place OPA Salon 2016, 2nd OPA Salon 2015, Hon Men. OPA National 2015)
  • Six time selected artist for “The International Marine Art Show at the Maritime Gallery at Mystic Seaport” Museum Purchase Award and inclusion in “Modern Masterpieces” exhibition.
  • Interesting Fact: Nominated in 2016 for Poet Laureate of Nassau County (NY). A film, TV and commercial actor, and plays a mean blues harp.