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Kathleen Hudson

Kathleen B. Hudson
  • Grand Prize Winner in the 6th Annual PleinAir Salon (featured on July 2017 cover of PleinAir Magazine)
  • Signature Member, American Society of Marine Artists; Artist Member, Copley Society of Art
  • Best of Show, 2014 Augusta Plein Air Festival
  • Interesting Fact: " I became interested in backcountry painting after leading backpacking trips for fellow students at Harvard, where I studied history and literature. For the groups I led, going into the wilderness was like entering a sanctuary. The distractions fell away and we began to reflect more carefully and notice beauty in nature’s subtleties. I loved introducing college freshmen to that experience. What I do now as a plein air painter isn’t so different! I try to convey a moment of otherworldly beauty that transports the viewer to that place."