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EPAT Week 2020

2020 EnPleinAirTEXAS Events
October 17 - 24, 2020

Yes, the artists are still coming and will be painting in our area and on some fabulous private ranches!  We've made some changes to many of our events in order to keep all participants AND our artists safe during these times.

Watch for new updates and additions on this site. 

GALLERY VERDE, Event Headquarters at 417 S. Oakes, will be open limited hours, but all activities will be posted on the windows and on this website.

EPAT 2020 AGENDA UPDATE – Updated Oct. 6, 2020


Saturday, Oct. 17 – OPEN PAINT-OUT Downtown area       Gallery Verde open 10am to 5:30pm

Come meet & watch the artists around downtown, the river, the museum area - or gather around 4:30pm on the sidewalk outside Gallery Verde to see what was painted!


Sunday, Oct. 18 – ARTIST CHECK-IN & PAINT-OUT           Gallery Verde open 11:30am to 2:30pm

Artists will paint in the Wall, Veribest, and Paint Rock areas all day.  They may be hard to find, but you are welcome to drive around that area and try to spot some of the artists!  3Nail Ironware in Paint Rock will be open for the artists to paint from 1-4.

Monday, Oct. 19 – RANCH PAINT DAY                                Gallery Verde open 10am to 4pm
Artists will paint at the Carolyn & Bill Quillen Ranch.  We will post videos on Facebook & YouTube.


Tuesday, Oct. 20 – WATERLILIES & CHRISTOVAL PAINT-OUT  Gallery Verde open 10am to 4pm

Around 10 artists will paint this morning until noonish at the International Waterlily Gardens.  There will be no luncheon this year but please come wander and watch!  You may also find artists all over the Christoval area, including the Christoval Winery in the afternoon.


Wednesday, Oct. 21 – RANCH DAY                   Gallery Verde closed to prepare for exhibit

Artists will paint all day on Jennifer & Tim Crutchfield’s ranch west of town.  We’ll post videos!


Thursday, Oct. 22 – STAMPEDE at the STABLES – Exhibit, Awards & Sale
(210 Henry O Flipper St)

Artists may paint around town today after they turn in paintings for the exhibit & awards tonight.

6:00 to 8:00 pm – STAMPEDE Exhibit & Sale this evening in the Stables with awards presentation by Judge Tim Newton.  Sponsor-only event, no food or drink during the event. 


Friday, Oct. 23 – EXHIBIT, ARTIST DEMOSTRATIONS, MINI-PEARLS, JUDGE’S TALK - Friday at the Fort, The Stables, Fort Concho (210 Henry O Flipper St)

  • 9:15 am to 3:30 pm – Exhibit & Artist Demonstrations inside and outside the stables. Free & open to the public.  There will be 3-4 demos going on all day. Limited seating available.
  • 9 am – First Showing of The “Mini-Pearls of the Conchos”, small paintings done this week, and all are for sale!
  • 4 pm – Judge’s talk on his choices & Mini-Pearl Awards.  Limited seating & Live-streamed.
  • 5:30 pm – Make your final selections as this is your last opportunity to visit with the artists and hear their stories about these West Texas treasures they have painted!


Saturday, Oct. 24 – ROPING PAINT-OUT & ADIOS Event. Gallery Verde open 10am to 5:30pm

  • Morning Paint-Out at the Fairgrounds open to all artists. 9am to 12 noon, Awards & Sale and your final chance to see the artists!
  • 2020 EVENT ENDS


This agenda may be updated!  Find the latest news on our website at www.enpleinairTEXAS.com.

More details at Gallery Verde during the week, as well as on Plein Air Texas Facebook & the website.