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Debra Howard

•  First Place Awards at Northport MI, Glen Arbor MI, Dexter MI, Savannah GA, Harford MD, Crisfield MD, Clifton VA and Floyd VA Plein Air Events. Juried into events in 12 different states. 

•  Artist in Residence for Sleeping Bear Dunes National Lakeshore, Big Cypress National Preserve, Tangier Island and South Carolina State Parks.

•  PBS interview, Article in American Scholar Magazine. Best Nocturnes - February 2020, Plein Air Magazine. Signature Member of the Mid Atlantic Plein Air Painters Association (MAPAPA)

Interesting Fact: "I lived, painted and traveled internationally, aboard a 44' sailboat for 27 years. I now travel in my RV, with my dog, Bella, while competing in Plein Air events. I offer Artist Talks and a variety of art workshops at art centers, galleries and museums in various states."


Paintings will be for sale online this year Thursday, October 22 - More info to come!