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Art in the Afternoon 2018


In order to make this available to as many students as possible,
the deadline to apply has been extended to Monday, October 17th.

An opportunity for students to paint with one of the EnPleinAirTEXAS Competition Artists!

2:30 - 4:00pm, Quartermaster Building at Fort Concho

Cheryl & Larry Ricci
JFM Frames
Golden Paints 

Hurry!  Students from 5th - 12th grades have until October 17th to apply through their art class, here online below, or print a copy below and mail direct to SAMFA to have the opportunity to paint with one of the Competition Artists!  Because we have a limited number of artists, there are a limited number of applicants that can be chosen. To be considered, we must have your application by October 17th.  Students from any school or town are encouraged to enter!  Please read below for more details.


2016 Application


Students can fill out the application on line here


print a copy of the application form and complete it in writing, & mail it to:  

Attn:  Art in the Afternoon
1 Love Street
San Angelo, Texas 76903

 All Applications are due no later than October 7, 2016


We require a parent to remain with all selected students who are under 18 years of age.  Please read below for a time-line for Art in the Afternoon, on Saturday, Oct. 29th.

  • Arrive with a parent to meet your artist at the QM building at Fort Concho at 2:30.  You will be painting until 4:00pm and your parent should remain with you or nearby.  All painting supplies will be furnished.
  • We suggest you take advantage of opportunities to watch other artists on Saturday morning between 9:30 and 11:30 during the 2 hour ‘Quick Draw on the Conchos.’  All artists will be painting either on the Concho River or Concho Avenue between Irving St. and N. River Dr.  You may want to find the EPAT Competition artist you will be paired with and watch them paint, as well as wander and watch lots of other artists painting!
  • Prizes for the Quick Draw will be awarded on the steps of the Museum, just up from Celebration Bridge, around 12:30.  All the artists will gather there after 11:30 with their paintings to be judged.  Here you will see ALL the finished paintings from the morning and can visit with your favorite artists!
  • All of the paintings (around 250!) from the week of painting by our EnPleinAirTEXAS Artists are on display in the Quartermaster Building all day Saturday, from 9am to 5pm.   This is a free show and it should be interesting for you to go look at the paintings shown by your artist before meeting them again for your participation at 2:30.

Several of the EnPleinAirTEXAS Artists will be performing free talks or demos later Saturday afternoon at the Quartermaster Building.