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2016 Friday Demos&Awards

Friday, October 28th

Artists turn in paintings for the week at Ft. Concho

Watch for EPAT sign at 622 S. Oakes Street

Morning Schedule:

  • 8:00-10am - Artists will  bring their paintings to the Ft. Concho Commissary Building, 301 E Ave. C
  • Competition paintings will be designated by the artist in advance of turn-in including title, price, and medium.  
  • Non-Competition paintings will be listed in priority order with title, price, & medium on their individualized art list sheet provided early in the week by Gallery Verde volunteers. Inventory sheets will be available all week in the Gallery Verde.
  • 11am-1:30pm - Lunch will be at Miss Hatties hosted by Brenda Gunter at 26 E. Concho Ave. 
  • 11am-4pm ~ After all paintings have been turned in, Artist Talks, & Demos will take place throughout the afternoon.  Please contact us to sign up for a demo or talk.


Art Collectors STAMPEDE and Awards Party!

Ft. Concho Commissary & Quartermaster Buildings at 301 E Ave. C 

Watch for EPAT signs

Evening Schedule:

Artists arrive 5pm

  • 4:00pm - Judge arrives to select awards. 
  • 4:30pm - Howard Taylor, Director SAMFA arrives to select Museum Award. 
  • 5:00pm - Competition Artists arrive at Fort Concho Quartermaster. Building, 301 E Ave. C to vote for 'Artist Choice' award. 
  • 6:00pm - Sponsors begin to arrive.
  • 6:30 – 8:30pm ~ Art Collectors arrive for the STAMPEDE and Awards Party.
  • 7:00pm - Awards Presentation. 
  • Auction of the top 4 awarded paintings will happen shortly thereafter.
  • 9:00pm - Event concludes.

$13,000 in cash awards to be presented this evening by judge Marc Hanson from the top 2 paintings of each Competition Artist


*Competition paintings will be displayed & for sale in the Quartermaster Building.

*Non competition paintings will be displayed & for sale in the Commissary Building. 

 Public Tickets are $100 per person and include a $100 credit towards purchase of a painting.