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2016 Event Schedule

2016 EnPleinAirTEXAS

Event Schedule


Sunday, Oct 23 ~ Artist Check-in & Paint-Out

*Find artists painting this afternoon downtown or along the Concho River.

*7:00pm ~ Sunset & Nocturnal Paint-Out Downtown.  Public welcome to come watch!


Monday, Oct 24 ~ Paint Downtown San Angelo Day & Wet Gallery Sales

*Find the artists painting all day in the downtown area.

*8:30-4pm ~ Gallery Verde (417 S. Oakes) open for information, and “Wet Gallery” of paintings created since artists have arrived!  Artwork is for sale through Thursday in the Wet Gallery.

*Inquire at Gallery Verde concerning ticket sales for Thursday Luncheon, Friday Night--Art Collectors’ STAMPEDE and Awards Party, and the Chuck Wagon Breakfast on Sunday and how to register for the Quick Draw!  Purchase Tickets on-line!


Tuesday, Oct 25 ~ Ranch Paint Day & Wet Gallery Sales

*'Artists Only' painting all day on private ranches. 

*8:30-4pm ~ Gallery Verde (417 S. Oakes) open  for information and “WET GALLERY” sales of this week's paintings! 

*Inquire at Gallery Verde concerning ticket sales for Thursday Luncheon, Friday Night--Art Collectors STAMPEDE and Awards Party, and the Chuck Wagon Breakfast on Sunday and how to register for the Quick Draw!  Purchase tickets on-line! 

*Artwork is for sale in the Wet Gallery until Thursday 4pm! 


Wednesday, Oct 26 ~ Christoval Area Painting Day & Wet Gallery Sales

*Find the artists painting all day in Christoval area – Pugh Park, downtown, along country roads and near the river. 

*8:30-4pm ~ Gallery Verde (417 S. Oakes) open for information and “WET GALLERY” sales of this week’s paintings! 

*Inquire at Gallery Verde concerning ticket sales for Thursday Luncheon, Friday Night--Art Collectors’ STAMPEDE and Awards Party, and the Chuck Wagon Breakfast on Sunday and how to register for the Quick Draw!  Purchase tickets on-line!

*Artwork is for sale in the Wet Gallery until Thursday 4pm!

Thursday, Oct 27 ~ Free Paint Day all over San Angelo, Garden Luncheon, & Wet Gallery Sales

*Find the artists painting all day in the San Angelo area – parks, Santa Rita, downtown, industrial areas, area churches, along the Concho River. 

*Ticketed luncheon with the artists at the extraordinary Santa Rita home of Liz and Devon Bates!  

Tickets are SOLD OUT 

*Inquire at Gallery Verde concerning ticket sales for Friday Night--Art Collectors’ STAMPEDE and Awards Party, and the Chuck Wagon Breakfast on Sunday and how to register for the Quick Draw!

*8:30-4pm ~ Gallery Verde (417 S. Oakes) open for information and “WET GALLERY” sales of this week’s paintings! 

*Last day that Artwork will be for sale in the Wet Gallery!


Friday, Oct 28 ~ Talks, Demos, Stampede and Awards Party! 

*11am-4pm ~ Artists will host talks and demos in locations around downtown, free to the public. Times posted soon!

*Artists will visit local schools and present talks and demos this afternoon.  

*6:30–8:30pm ~ Art Collectors STAMPEDE and Awards Party at the Quartermaster Building, Fort Concho.
Tickets are $100 per person and include a $100 credit towards purchase of a painting. 

You may purchase your STAMPEDE tickets online until October 17th at this website under the "Purchase Tickets" button, or in person at the Gallery Verde. 

*$13,000 in cash awards to be presented this evening by judge Marc Hanson from the top 2 paintings of each Competition Artist.

*Inquire at Gallery Verde concerning ticket sales for the Chuck Wagon Breakfast on Sunday and how to register for the Quick Draw!

 *8:30-4pm ~ Gallery Verde (417 S. Oakes) open  with more information detailing weekend events and artist locations!


Saturday, Oct 29 ~ 'Quick Draw on the Conchos' Paint-Out, Art in the Afternoon, Demos, & Competition Paintings Exhibit & Sale!

You may  pay your registration fee  online until October 17th at this website under the "Quick Draw/Satur.Events" button, or in person at the Gallery Verde during the week of October 24th thru 29th.

*9-5pm ~ SALE & EXHIBIT of the 2016 Competition Paintings and all artwork produced by the Competition Artists!  FREE Admission!  Quartermaster & Commissary Buildings at Fort Concho, 301 E Ave C.

*8-9:30am ~ 'Quick Draw' participating artists must register & get canvas stamped at Gallery Verde (417 S. Oakes).  Open to any artist!  Full details on '2016 Quick Draw' tab.

*9:30-11:30am ~ 'Quick Draw on the Conchos' Paint-Out begins when the cannons are fired at Fort Concho!  Find artists painting along Concho Street AND Concho River between Irving & N. River Drive. 

*Art enthusiasts are encouraged to wander and watch their favorite artists as they capture ‘real-time’ moments while painting our city.

*Judge Marc Hanson will judge the paintings at 'High Noon' on the steps just to the west of the San Angelo Museum of Fine Arts and award the winning prizes around 12:30pm.

*The public may enjoy free demos by selected 2016 Competition Artists after the Paint-Out at the Quartermaster grounds on Fort Concho.

*2:30-4:00pm ~ ART in the AFTERNOON.  Competition Artists will meet, mentor and paint with selected area students.   Details on the website under 'Art in the Afternoon'.


Sunday, Oct 30 ~ Chuck Wagon Breakfast, FINAL SALE & EXHIBIT of Competition Paintings, Judges' Talk

You may purchase your breakfast tickets online until October 17th at this website under the "Purchase Tickets" button, or in person at the Gallery Verde during the week of October 24th thru 29th.

*9am-3pm ~ FINAL SALE & EXHIBIT of the 2016 EnPleinAirTEXAS Competition Paintings and all other paintings produced during the week by the artists!  Free admission. Quartermaster & Commissary Buildings at Fort Concho, 301 E Ave. C. 

*9-10:30am ~ The public is invited to a final 'Yee Haw' with our artists and a Chuck Wagon Breakfast at the Commissary Building at Fort Concho, 301 E Ave. C.

  • Enjoy a HARDY breakfast complete with campfire and some western 'fiddlin' by Dorothy Douthit of FiddleFire. 

*9:30 - 11am ~ watch selected Competition Artists demos outside near the Chuck Wagon.

*11am ~ Oil painting Demo by judge Marc Hanson of Mississippi at the Commissary Building at Fort Concho.  Free admission.

*1pm ~ Judges Talk by judge Marc Hanson highlighting his choices for the top prize winners of 2016 EnPleinAirTEXAS.  Free admission. Quartermaster Building at Fort Concho.

*3pm ~ The event closes until 2017!  

See the "Purchase Tickets" tab to buy your tickets now!