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2015 Tickets






Proceeds from EnPleinAirTEXAS will support the education programs of the San Angelo Museum of Fine Arts.  SAMFA has one of the top-ranked children’s art museum programs in the country.

Purchase tickets here online, or you may either call The San Angelo Museum of Fine Arts at 325-653-3333, or mail a check to SAMFA at 1 Love Street, San Angelo, Texas 76903.

  • If purchasing tickets with a check directly to SAMFA, be sure to add which ticketed event you are reserving in the memo portion of your check and for how many you are reserving.
  • If purchasing with cash, include in writing which events you want to attend.  
  • You may remit with your payment in person or by mail at the following address:  The San Angelo Museum of Fine Arts, 1 Love Street, San Angelo, Texas  76903.




GARDEN PARTY LUNCHEON with the Artists, 12Noon to 1:30pm, will take place at the beautiful river garden home of Lisa Curry, 210 S. Park in the Santa Rita neighborhood of San Angelo.  Artists will be painting during the luncheon!  Ticket price for lunch is $35pp and includes a glass of wine. Last day to purchase tickets is Monday, October 26th! 




COLLECTOR'S STAMPEDE AWARDS PARTY6:00-8:30pm ~ Quartermaster Building at Fort Concho.  


(Directions to Quarter Master Building at Fort Concho described below)

Tonight patrons can view two Competition Pieces from each artist in the grande gallery, as well as up to 6 extra paintings completed during the week & hung in adjacent salons.  ALL are for sale!   

  • 6:00pm, Doors Open to start the STAMPEDE of festivities and art sales for this event that is ALL about West Texas!   
  • 7:00pm, $11,000 in cash Awards will be presented by judge Gay Faulkenberry!  Plan to attend this exciting evening, meet nationally acclaimed artists, and view & purchase their extraordinary art! 

Ticket price for the Collector's Stampede is $100pp.  The ticket entitles the bearer to $100 credit towards the purchase of a painting!  Last day to purchase tickets is Tuesday, October 27th!

It is a festive evening with food, wine and art! at the Fort Concho Quartermaster Building. 

Directions:  Travel east on Henry O Flipper Street, and the Quartermaster Building is located at the corner of Burgess Street and East Avenue C.

Parking will be available along Henry O Flipper Street and across from the Quartermaster Building. 


Saturday, Oct 31


  • 8am to 10am ~ Quick Draw REGISTRATION at Gallery Verde, 417 S. Oakes. 
  • 10am to 12noon ~ Quick Draw Paint-Out in a designated area downtown & at Fort Concho, includes the Competition Artists and is open to all other artists for a $10 fee.  $2400 in awards!  Artists will donate 25% of the sale of their artwork to the San Angelo Museum of Fine Arts.
  • 9am to 5pm ~ Quartermaster open for public sales of Competition and back-up paintings.

Streets of downtown San Angelo will play host to our exciting 2-hour painting competition from 10am to 12Noon.  A one-block wide area beginning at the iconic Cactus Hotel at 36 East Twohig Avenue, continues across the Concho River and includes the San Angelo Museum of Fine Arts, and Historic Fort Concho, will be the boundary for participants to complete their painting in two hours (map below).  The Paint-Out is open to anyone (9th grade and above)--adventurous beginner painters to professional artists--for a $10 registration fee


Refer to the "QUICK DRAW PAINT-OUT" tab on the website for complete details and late registration information. 


Painting Sale & Judging will begin at 12:30pm at Old Town near SAMFA, Orient St. and E Ave. B.  The street will be blocked off for Quick-Draw Competition Paintings. 




Breakfast Festivities:

  • 9:30 to 11:00am - The public is invited for a final 'Yee Haw' with our artists and a Chuck Wagon "Cowboy" Breakfast just outside the Quartermaster Building at Fort Concho. Enjoy a HARDY family breakfast with all the trimmings, complete with campfire and some western 'fiddlin' by Dorothy Douthit of FiddleFire.   


Breakfast will be at Fort Concho just behind the Quartermaster Building. Visitors will travel east on Henry O Flipper Street, and the Quartermaster Building is located at the corner of Burgess Street and East Avenue C. Look for the Chuck Wagon! 

  • Parking will be available along Henry O Flipper Street and across from the Quartermaster Building. 
  • 9am to 3pm ~ Quartermaster Exhibit & Sales open for final public sales of Competition and back-up paintings. 

Judge's Demo & Talk about winning paintings:

  • 11am ~ Judge Gay Faulkenberry painting demo in the Quartermaster Building. 
  • 12:30pm ~ Judge’s Talk by Gay Faulkenberry, highlighting her choices for the top prize winning paintings. The event sale and painting display will conclude at the Quartermaster Building at 3pm.

Breakfast tickets are $15pp for adults, $10 for children, 10 - 5years, and free for children under 5 years of age. Last day to purchase tickets is October 28th!

Adult - $15

Children - $10


Thank you for supporting EnPleinAirTEXAS.  This event promises to engage our community & visitors in a remarkable interactive artistic week, not experienced anywhere else in Texas.